Source code for stuffer.utils

"""Unsorted utility classes and routines."""

[docs]def natural_repr(obj): """A string representation of a Python entity, matching the its appearance in code.""" if isinstance(obj, list): return repr(list(map(natural_repr, obj))) if isinstance(obj, tuple): return repr(tuple(map(natural_repr, obj))) if isinstance(obj, dict): return repr(dict([map(natural_repr, kv) for kv in obj.items()])) return repr(obj)
[docs]def natural_object_repr(obj): """A string representation of an object, matching the its appearance in code.""" return "{}({})".format(obj.__class__.__name__, ". ".join( ["{}={}".format(member, natural_repr(getattr(obj, member))) for member in dir(obj) if member[0] != '_' and not callable(getattr(obj, member))]))
[docs]class NaturalReprMixin(object): """Mixin class that provides a __repr__ implementation calling natural_object_repr.""" def __repr__(self): return natural_object_repr(self)
[docs]def str_split(cmd): """Split a string by whitespace, unless it is already a list.""" if isinstance(cmd, str): return cmd.split() return cmd