Source code for stuffer.core

import abc
import logging
import re
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Union
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from stuffer.content import StringArg
from stuffer.utils import NaturalReprMixin, str_split

[docs]class ActionRegistry(object): """Singleton class to keep track of the created Actions.""" _registry = [] """The actions that have been registered."""
[docs] @classmethod def register(cls, action): cls._registry.append(action)
[docs] @classmethod def registered(cls): return list(cls._registry)
[docs]class Action(NaturalReprMixin): """Base class for actions to be taken. Subclasses should override either command() or run(). If command() is overridden, it will get logged to stdout. If run() is overridden, the implementation should provide some form of logging. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta def __init__(self): ActionRegistry.register(self) logging.debug("Registered action: {}".format(self))
[docs] def execute(self) -> None: """Execute the action, including any prerequisites.""""Executing {}".format(self)) for prereq in self.prerequisites():
[docs] def prerequisites(self): return []
[docs] def command(self) -> Union[StringArg, List[str]]: """Shell command to run. Override this or run(). Should either return a list of strings to pass to subprocess.check_output, or a string, in which case shell=True will be passed with subprocess.check_output.. """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod def tmp_dir() -> Path: """Directory for temporary file storage, e.g. downloaded files.""" return Path("/tmp/stuffer_tmp")
[docs] def run(self) -> str: """Run the Action command(s). The default implementation runs the command returned by command(). Returns ------- str The output of the command Raises ------ subprocess.CalledProcessError On execution failure. """ return run_cmd(self.command())
@staticmethod def _extract_net_archive(uri: str, destination: Path): # TODO: Verify checksum # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences archive_name = Path(urlparse(uri).path).parts[-1] if not destination.is_dir(): destination.mkdir(parents=True) local_archive = Action.tmp_dir() / archive_name if not local_archive.exists(): run_cmd(["wget", "--output-document", str(local_archive), uri]) if"\.(tar(\.(bz2|gz))?|tgz)$", str(local_archive)): run_cmd(["tar", "--directory", str(destination), "-xf", str(local_archive)]) elif local_archive.suffix == ".zip": run_cmd(["unzip", "-o", "-d", str(destination), str(local_archive)]) else: raise Exception("Unknown archive extension: {}".format("".join(local_archive.suffixes)))
[docs]class Group(Action): """Group of multiple actions to be executed."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def children(self) -> List[Action]: """Returns list of child actions to execute.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def run(self) -> None: for child in self.children(): child.execute()
[docs]def run_cmd(cmd: List[str], *args, **kwargs): """Run a shell command and return the output. Parameters ---------- cmd List of command and arguments, passed to subprocess.check_output. If a string is passed, shell=True will be added to kwargs. args Extra arguments passed to subprocess.check_output kwargs Extra keyword arguments passed to subprocess.check_output Returns ------- The output of the command Raises ------ subprocess.CalledProcessError On execution failure. """ joined = " ".join(str_split(cmd))"> %s", joined) try: output_bytes = subprocess.check_output(cmd, *args, shell=type(cmd) is str, **kwargs) output = output_bytes.decode(encoding="ascii", errors="ignore") logging.debug(output) return output except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: logging.error("Command %s failed:\n%s", joined, str(err.output)) raise